Creating a respectful and strong relationship with coffee cooperatives is the best way to eliminate many of the road blocks to providing effective health care.
Our partnership begins when a coffee cooperative invites Grounds for Health to help develop cervical cancer prevention programs in its community. Grounds for Health brings medical expertise, screening technology, equipment, and trainers; the co-op educates the community about why screening is important, provides childcare and transportation for women, and assures that women can get additional care.
Current Co-Op Partners:
San Juan de Rio Coco – Madriz, Nicaragua
- Unión de Cooperativas Productoras de Café Orgánico (UCPCO)
- UCA San Juan del Rio Coco
Cajamarca, Peru
- CAC La Prosperidad de Chirinos
- Sol Y Cafe
Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
- Association of Kilimanjaro Specialty Coffee Growers (Kilicafe Coffee Cooperative)
Past Co-Op Partners:
- SOPPEXCCA in Jinotega, Nicaragua
- CECOCAFEN in Matagalpa, Nicaragua
- Kanyovu Coffee Cooperatives in Kigoma, Tanzania
- Finca dos Marías, San Marcos, Guatemala
- La Unión de Pequeños Productores, Huatusco, Veracruz, Mexico
- La Trinidad, Pochutla, Oaxaca, Mexico
- CESMACH, Mexico
- Finca Triunfo Verde, Mexico
- Unión Ramal Santa Cruz, Mexico
- La Comon Yaj Nop Tic, Mexico