Gift Donations

Gift Donations:

Make a donation in the name of a friend or loved one, and help prevent cervical cancer in coffee-growing countries.

It’s Easy:

  1. On the form below, click the “Tribute Gift” check box and fill out the information
  2. Complete your donation
  3. We’ll send your honoree an email or hand-written note

It’s a simple yet powerful way you can have an impact on the lives of women in coffee regions.

Gift Donation Form

Please enter your info below. After clicking “Donate”, allow page to redirect to PayPal. It takes a few seconds.


Don’t see a form above? Donate HERE
Once you click the button it will redirect you to PayPal. It takes a few seconds so please do not refresh your page. If you have any problems, please email:

Grounds for Health Gift Card

Grounds for Health Gift Card

Hand-written note

Hand-written note