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WHO Comes to Vermont

WHO at Grounds for Health

WHO at Grounds for Health

Last month a team from the World Health Organization met with writers and editors in Waterbury to finalize the document Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Control: A guide to essential practice. This valuable guide on cervical cancer prevention—known around the world as the “Pink Book”—sets global practice standards for the prevention and management of cervical cancer, still a leading cause of death in most developing countries. It draws on real-world experience and evidence-based knowledge to assist doctors and nurses at all levels, helping them screen, treat, and provide palliative care for cervical cancer.

WHO Pink Book

WHO Pink Book that is being revised

The first edition of the Pink Book came out in 2006, but new advances in affordable and effective early screening, treatment, and vaccination warranted a new edition.

Grounds for Health’s executive director, August Burns, serves as a technical adviser to the World Health Organization and was involved in the development of the 2006 edition. Earlier this year, the Cervical Cancer Technical Advisory Group met in Geneva to discuss the latest revision and August was asked to author the new chapter on health outreach and community education. The recognition to author this chapter is testament to Grounds for Health’s proven successes of creating long-term, locally sustainable cervical cancer prevention programs in rural communities.

Ms. Burns joined a writing group including Andreas Ullrich MD and Nathalie Broutet MD, PhD from the WHO cervical cancer prevention team, as well as experts Linda Eckert MD, Joanna Cain MD, and former Grounds for Health Board Member Emma Ottolenghi to review, revise, and discuss final drafts. The ultimate goal: to develop the most useful tool possible in the fight against cervical cancer.

At Grounds for Health, we are honored to be involved in such an important effort and are excited to share our knowledge with the world.