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Happy International Women’s Day?

March 8 is International Women's Day

March 8 is International Women’s Day

What do you really say on International Women’s Day? Happy International Women’s Day? Congratulations, women, on another successful year?

Is it really worth celebrating? Why, in the end, does it even exist? Sure, women make up over 50% of the population, but why give us our own day?

While the day exists to celebrate the innumerable accomplishments of women and the progress of the women’s movement, it also serves as a reminder that women share an unequal burden of poverty and disease and mortality. At the risk of hyperbole, the health and well being of the world very much depends on the health and well being of its women.

But today is an opportunity. It gives us a chance to look all the harrowing stats and injustices and inequities square in the face and say: “Enough! I’m going to do something about it.”

How can you make an impact?

Join us in fight against cervical cancer. Cervical cancer prevention is an area of women’s health where we can make a difference RIGHT NOW.

Cervical cancer is easily preventable, yet it is the #1 killer of women in most developing countries. It has a higher mortality rate than even maternal mortality. Don’t believe us? Have a look at this chart from Cervical Cancer Action (click to zoom):

Source: Cervical Cancer Action Report Card

Source: Cervical Cancer Action Report Card

But there is finally significant momentum globally to address cervical cancer—from the World Health Organization, from the Pink Ribbon/Red Ribbon campaign, and from countless other organizations. Not just address it, but tackle it to the ground and stop it.

For example, the Pan American Health Organization just convened a meeting in February of public health players in Latin America to create the Women’s Health Initiative. These efforts bring the reduction of cervical cancer and breast cancer to the forefront of the public health agenda in Latin America.

That’s huge.

The big players in Latin America and beyond aren’t just talking about it, they’re ready to DO something about it.

Grounds for Health was born ready. For over 16 years, we’ve been working to prevent cervical cancer in coffee-growing communities. We’re ready to share our tools, our knowledge, and our passion.

So Happy International Women’s Day, everyone!

Celebrate the day by talking to your friends about cervical cancer. By making a donation in the name of a woman you care about. By sharing our message on Facebook. By Tweeting, if that’s your thing.

Or just by thinking about why it makes no sense to let women die from a preventable disease.

1 Response

  1. T.R.(Tommy) Thompson

    Receive the WH News thru’Son – an Executive with Cdn. Coffee Distributor……excellent reading!

    I do Primary Eye Care Clinics in Nicaragua. Would like to make a Cash donation. – will follow up!