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International Women’s Day: A Day Early

Screen and Treat campaign to celebrate International Women's Day

Screen and Treat campaign to celebrate International Women’s Day

To recognize International Women’s Day tomorrow (March 8), our partners in Nicaragua are holding a a screen-and-treat campaign in Matagalpa today.

The campaign will take place at the Lacayo Farfan hospital in Matagalpa, where they have full support from health personnel and equipment for VIA and cryotherapy.

Staff from Exportadora Atlantic helped Grounds for Health In-Country Coordinator Dra. Barinia Osejo move supplies from Esteli to Matagalpa for the event. Our local volunteer will be assisting Barinia throughout, and will be supporting local ECOM Foundation personnel as they learn all aspects of managing a campaign, including registration of women, high level disinfection, set-up and logistics.

We will update as we find out more!

Special thanks go out to ECOM Foundation and Exportadora Atlantic for their ongoing passion and support.

The banner in the photo reads “In commemoration of International Women’s Day, Exportadora Atlantic and Grounds for Health invite you to the campaign for cervical cancer prevention, March 7th at the Lacayo Farfan Health center, starting at 8 am.