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In Her Words: Woman from Wonsho District

Name: Sukare Tone
Role of Storyteller: Beneficiary
Location: Wonsho District

Honestly, I had no information about cervical cancer until I was told by the health extension workers before the campaign. But now I am aware of the problem, and started sharing this information to my neighbor. After I returned from receiving screening and treatment, the women around my home were asking me about what was going on inside the screening room and how they performed the procedures. It was a first experience for us, so at the beginning we were little bit nervous. However, in the end everybody was happy because this can save our lives.

Before I had a pain in my abdomen and went to a different facility to get treatment, but received nothing and I have been worried everyday about my health. As a result, I was not a happy woman. Now thanks to God and Grounds for Health my worries and sadness have gone since I got treatment. I again started to live a happy life with my beautiful children. There are lots of women who share my opinion in my village that they got relief and we are praying for other woman to gain access to this opportunity. I would like to say thank you to Sidama Coffee Union and Ferro Co-op for bringing Grounds for Health to our village.

I would also like to say to other women to come to the health center to take advantage of the opportunity God has opened to them. We know in our community women who have suffered with cervical cancer and have died because we have had no such opportunity. We women are everything to our children and house so we have to keep ourselves healthy to maintain a happy family and lead happy lives in the community.

Editor’s Note: The original translated transcript has been modified for grammar, spelling and clarity. Please contact us for the original unedited version.