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Supporter Corner: Many Thanks

You don’t reach a 15 year milestone without a lot of support – consistent, growing and/or new – it all matters. When you have 250 supporters, it’s tough to single out just a handful.

But here we go.

We’d like to recognize a few of our most reliable and loyal supporters, like Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Swiss Water, Mother Parkers, Coffee Enterprises, N.J. Douek, Caribou Coffee, ECOM, Allegro, Royal Coffee, and Peet’s who have given us consistent support year-in and year-out since our founding.

Thank you as well as to Equator Estate, Flavor & Fragrance, Faracafe, Club Coffee, Monin and Bunn-O-Matic, all of whom have stepped up their giving this year with significant increases.

In 2010, we were also delighted to welcome a number of new supporters who donated more than $1,000 to our end of year appeal. They include, but are not limited to, Chicago Coffee Roastery, H.A. Bennett & Sons, S&D Coffee, Sloat Brothers and Mountanos Brothers. We also welcome Farmer Brothers to the ranks of new, major supporters.

We would also be remiss if we did not call out the consistently generous employees of Swiss Water, Royal Coffee and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters whose payroll deductions on behalf of Grounds for Health mean so much to us.

And last but not least, we want to recognize individuals like Adam Pesce of Reunion Island Coffee who tirelessly and without prodding generates thousands of dollars of support for Grounds for Health annually though his creative and on-going coffee fundraisers and promotions.

There are other donors – major donors – who are not mentioned here simply for lack of space. We apologize to any who feel overlooked. Please view our donor listing to see a more comprehensive list of all our supporters – large to small – all of them valued. We will continue to profile our supporters in future E-News issues.

Finally, we invite you to add your name to our growing list of companies and individuals who see the importance of empowering coffee-growing communities to save women’s lives. Your support will help Grounds for Health establish sustainable, cost-effective cervical cancer prevention programs in the areas that need them most.